Lawyer Affairs Introduction
来源:知识产权学术与实务研究网 作者: 时间:2008-06-11 阅读数:
I am good at English, especially technical legal English. I am competent for dealing with foreign affairs related to law.
VI. Scope Specialized
Intellectual property, compute network and IT laws, contract, corporations and enterprises, economic arbitration, finance, creditor’s rights and debts, family and marriage, trespass on reputation, foreign affairs and the like. However, Intellectual property is the most important direction for me to do as lawyer’s work.
VII. Desire to Cooperate with Foreign Attorneys at Law
I am interested to cooperate with foreign attorneys at law as to cases or other legal affairs related to
- 相关文章
- Xiaoqing Feng Partner, Beijing Globe Law Firm
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- Xiaoqing Feng, Senior Consultant of Beijing Globe Law Firm
- Xiaoqing Feng, Senior Consultant of Beijing Globe Law Firm
- Xiaoqing Feng, Senior Consultant of Beijing Globe Law Firm
- 个人简介:(学术)
- 中国政法大学教授、博士生导师
- 知识产权法研究所所长、无形资产管理研究中心主任
- 北京大学法学博士
- 中国人民大学法学博士后
- 邮箱
- 北京市海淀区西土城路25号中国政法大学知识产权法研究所
- 个人简介:(实务)
- 最高法院案例指导工作专家委员会委员
- 最高法院知识产权司法保护研究中心首届研究员
- 中欧仲裁中心仲裁员
- 深圳、南京仲裁委员会仲裁员
- 北京天驰君泰律师事务所律师
- 中国律协知识产权专业委员会委员
- 中国审判研究会知识产权审判理论专业委员会委员
- 通讯处:(Zip:100088)