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来源:知识产权学术与实务研究网  作者:李琛  时间:2009-02-05  阅读数:



关键词: 商标/符号圈地/救济 trademark/" sign reserving" /remedy


内容提要: 商标的形式是符号,但只有作为市场信誉指代的符号才是商标。商标法的宗旨是保护市场信誉,而非保护虚空的符号。我国出现了严重的符号圈地现象。所谓符号圈地,即以商标权之名,行符号垄断之实。主要表现有两类:1. 注册中的符号圈地;2. 权利行使中的符号圈地。我国商标权救济制度的四大缺陷,是纵容符号圈地的制度根源:1. 对商标注册效力的过度迷信;2. 对商标使用效力的过度漠视;3. 对符号价值的错估;4. 商标使用符号使用的混淆。只有通过商标权救济制度之重塑,使符号圈地者无利可图,才能真正遏制符号圈地。 The trademarks are constituted with signs, but only the signs which represent the goodwill of market are real trademarks. The target of trademark law is to protect the goodwill, not the vacant sign. There exists a serious" sign reserving" phenomenon in our country, which is a sort of sign monopoly in name of" trademark right" . " Sign Reserving" can be classified as two categories: " sign reserving" in registration and" sign reserving" in exploitation. Four defects in our remedy system for trademark rights lead to the" sign reserving" phenomenon: over-trust in the validity of trademark registration, over-ignorance in the validity of trademark using, wrong evaluation for the value of pure sign, confusion between the" trademark using" and" sign using" . Reforming our remedy system to make the" sign reserving" unprofitable is the best way to prevent the" sign reserving"






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