Comments on ITU-T Patent Policy
来源:知识产权学术与实务研究网 作者:By Zhang Ping* 时间:2009-03-07 阅读数:
Although ITU-T has already made some implied interpretation of what constitutes reasonable and non-discriminatory, further clarification is desirable and still in need. In accordance with the Guideline, “in order to define what is fair and ‘reasonable’ in a given case, one needs to know development and manufacturing costs, profits, etc.” it appears that what constitutes RAND terms turn upon pre-standardization market situation. “The ‘development and manufacturing costs’ of an invention would presumably be unrelated to its incorporation in an industry standard. Furthermore, although the ‘profits’ from an invention could be greater if the patentee were viewed as entitled to returns from standardization, the mention of profits in the context of costs suggests that it refers to pre-standardization profits, which would reduce the post-standardization royalty required to provide the patentee with a reasonable rate of return.”[18]
Concluding Remarks
A specification is, in the end, a piece of paper. According to Carl Cargill, Director of Standards for Sun Microsystems, success of a standard is measured by the number of competing implementations that build upon that standard, not in the creation of the specification itself. The success of the Recommendations now partly depends on the IPR situation in the standards, or more precisely in the hands of the patent holders. As an attorney commented that “anyone deciding among the MPEG-4, AVC licenses and Microsoft Windows Media must review and compare the licenses offered by each company very carefully, not simply from the design and engineering perspective, or even the pricing. Strategic differences between open and proprietary systems may make the crucial difference, and other licensing terms may have more impact than price.” [19] ITU-T patent policy and the common patent policy are expected to further contribute to the interests of international standards implementers worldwide.
* Professor of
[3] See, ISO/IEC GUIDE 59: 1994 (e) ,source:
[11] See, ITU-T Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration Database(as at May 18th, 2006)
[14] Guidelines for Implementation of ITU-T Patent Policy, 1. Purpose.
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