美国专利制度演化掠影- 1980年纪略
来源: 《北大法律评论》2013年第2期 作者: 刘银良 时间:2015-02-05 阅读数:
[47]See Sell, Private Power, Public Law-The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights, supranote[10],p. 67.
[48]See Smith International, Inc. v. Hughes Tool Co.,718 F. 2d 1573(1983).
[49]See Sell, Private Power, Public Law-The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights,supranote[10] .pp. 69-70.
[50]See State Street Bank&Trust Co. v. Signature Financial Group, Inc.,149 F. 3d 1368(Fed.Cir. 1998);刘银良:“美国商业方法专利的十年扩张与轮回:从道富案到Bilski案的历史考察”,载《知识产权》2010年第6期。
[51]See Polaroid Corp. v. Eastman Kodak Co,641 F. Supp. 828(D. Mass. 1985);Sell, Pri-vatePower,Public Law-The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights, supra note [10],p.71.
[52]See Polaroid Corp.v.Eastman Kodak Co,789 F. 2d 1556,1558(Fed. Cir. 1986).
[53]See Polaroid Corp.v.Eastman Kodak Co.,789 F. 2d 1556(Fed. Cir. 1986).
[54]See Eastman Kodak Co.v.Polaroid Corp.,479 U.S. 850(1986).
[55]See Polaroid Corpv.Eastman Kodak Co.,1990 U. S. Dist. LEXIS 17968(D. Mass.1990):Polaroid Corpv.Eastman Kodak Co.,1991 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 344(D. Mass. 1991).
[56]Polaroid Corp.vEastman Kodak Co.,641 F. Supp. 828(D. Mass. 1985).
[57]Eire Schmitt,“Business and the Law: Judicial Shift in Patent Cases”,New York Times, Jan-uary 21 , 1986.转引自Robert P. Merges, “Commercial Success and Patent Standards: Economic Per-spectives on Innovation”,supra note [45],pp. 822-823,note [73].
[58]See Sell, Private Power, Public Law-The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights, supranote[10],p. 71.
[59]Id.. pa. 71-72.
[61]See Tina Hart & Linda Fazzani, Intellectual Property Law, 2nd Edition,法律出版社2003年(影印)版,pp. 7-8.
[62]See U. S. Constitution, Article I.
[64]See Peter Drahos&John Braithwaite,Information Feudalism, Earthscan Publications Ltd.,2002, pp. 163-164(中译本为:彼得·达沃豪斯/约翰·布雷斯韦特:《信息封建主义》,刘雪涛译,知识产权出版社2005年版。本文仅注英文版页码)。
[65]See Jennifer Washburn, University, Inc.:The Corporate Corruption of American Higher Edu-cation, Basic Books, 2005,p. 61.
[66]《拜杜法》及其修正案被编为美国《专利法》第18章“受联邦资助所得发明的专利权”(35 USC 200-212)。
[67]《拜杜法》立法之所以先针对大学与小企业,然后再以总统命令形式把相关待遇延及大企业,是为避免立法中产生过多争议而延缓立法进程,属国 会山的立法政治技巧,因为如果开始就包括大公司,或会使人们对该法规定的必要性及后果产生担忧,并试图阻挠立法过程。关于《拜杜法》立法的前因后 果,see Washburn, University, Inc.:The Corporate Corruption of American Higher Ed-ucation, supra note [65],pp. 57-72.
[68]See “Economic Report of the President(1988)”,p. 245,at http://fraser. stlouisfed. org/docs/publications/ERP/1988/ER_1988. pdf,最后访问日期2013年4月8日。
[69]See USPTO,“U. S. Colleges and Universities-Utility Patent Grants,Calendar Years 1969-2008”, at http://www. uspto. gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/umv/org_gr/all_univ_ag. htm,最后访问日期2013年4月8日。
[70]See Jon Sandelin,“University Technology Transfer in the U. S. : History, Status and Trends”,at http://otl. stanford. edu/documents/JSUSHistoryTrends. pdf,最后访问日期2013年4月14日。
[71]See Economic Report of the President(1988),supra note [68].
[72]See Genentech,“Company Information”,at http://www. gene. com/media/company-infor-mation,最后访问日期2013年4月15日。
[73]See Mary Margaret Styer, Jack Kerrigan&Andy Lustig,“A Guide Through the Labyrinth:Evaluating and Negotiating a University Technology Transfer Deal”,11 B. U. J. SCI.&TECH. L. 221,222-223 (2005).
[74]See Drahos&Braithwaite,Information Feudalism, supra note [64],pp. 163-164.
[75]See WIPO, PCT Yearly Review 2010, WIPO Publication No. 901(E)/10,2010,pp. 20-21.
[76]See Jennifer Carter-Johnson, “Unveiling the Distinction between the University and its Aca-demic Researchers: Lessons for Patent Infringement and University Technology Transfer”,12 Vand. J.Ent.&Tech. L. 473,493-496 (2010).
[77]Washburn, University, Inc:The Corporate Corruption of American Higher Education, supranote [65],p. 188.
[78]Id.,pp. 143-145;Drahos&Braithwaite,Information Feudalism, supra note[64],PP.163-164.
[79](Editorial)“Innovation’s Golden Goose”,The Economist, Vol. 365,No. 8303(Dec. 14,2002).
[81]See Drahos&Braithwaite,Information Feudalism,supra note [64],p. 85.
[82]See Sell, Private Power, Public Law-The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights,supranote[10],p. 78.
[83]Id,pp. 164-165.
[85]See Sell, Private Power, Public Law一The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights, supranote[10],pp. 80-82.
[86]See USITC,“Number of Section 337 Investigations Instituted By Calendar Year”,at http : //www. usitc. gov/intellectual_property/documents/cy-37_institutions. pdf,最后访问日期2013年4月9日。
[87]See“United States-Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, Report of the Panel adopted on 7 November 1989(L/6439-36S/345)”,paras. 6.2-6.4,at http ://www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/dis-pu_e/87tar337. pdf,最后访问日期2013年4月16日。
[88]See Sell, Private Power, Public Law-The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights, supranote[10],pp. 12-13,40-41
[90]Sell, Private Power, Public Law-The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights, supra note[10],p.36.
[91]See Paul Goldstein, International Intellectual Property Law:Cases and Materials, 2nd Edi-tion, Thomson/Foundation Press, 2008 ,pp.73-74, 292-296.
[94]黄仁宇:《万历十五年》(增订纪念本),同前注[92] 。
[95]在美国,除立法、司法、行政机构自己的研究队伍(包括委托研究)外,更为重要的是,在有充分学术研究自由的环境下,在大学和研究机构中分 布着数量庞大的研究群体。通过跟踪在学术期刊上发表的研究论文,立法者、司法者和管理者就可对社会问题有敏锐把握。例如,针对新出现的各种法律问题,不管 是互联网相关(cyber-law)还是生物技术相关(bio-law),人们皆可在多种数据库(包括Law Reviews)中找到相关研究文章,这些文章的作者大多既具专业技术知识,又有法学研究经验或职业技能,其对资料的详尽考据和相关对策性建议,当然也有 较高的参考价值。
[97]See Shi Yigong&Rao Yi, “China’s Research Culture”,329 Science 1128 (2010).
[100]参见国家知识产权局:“国家知识产权局专利业务工作及综合管理统计月报”(2012年6月),第9页(表4),2012年7月11日发 布,http://www. sipo. gov. cn/ghfzs/zltj/tjyb/2012/201207/P020120821408909710498.pdf,最后访问日期2013年7月1 日。
[101]See USPTO,“U. S. Patent Activity-Calendar Years 1790 to the Present”,March 19, 2013,at http://www. uspto. gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/h_counts. pdf,最后访问日期2013年7月I日。
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