来源:《中国政法大学学报》2010年第1期 作者:肖尤丹 时间:2015-02-08 阅读数:
在客体上,书籍贸易的对象经历了由手抄书到印刷书的载体变化,并且随着传播业的发展,相继出现了报纸、杂志等新兴的印刷物。而权利的内容,则随着主客 体的变化而不断扩展,在著作权法制化的这一阶段,权利主体的变化对于权利内容的影响要远远大于客体对权利内容的影响。在立法过程中,立法者更多需要考虑的 是调整的主体为谁,是对于印刷商予以保护还是给予作者或者其他人法律救济。严格地说,在著作权法制化的进程中,权利尚未形成,作为权利要素的主体、客体和 内容正在伴随着法律关系的厘清而逐步确立,其中作为权利客体的图书印刷行为早于权利主体的厘清而存在。
因此也可以认为,著作权法制化的过程,就是对于权利主体的确认和选择的过程。同时,权利内容基本框架的确立也同权利主体的选择相关联,不同的主体选择 就将会产生完全不同的权利内容和权利范围。而作者主体身份像幽灵一般始终萦绕在著作权法制化过程中,从初期被排除于出版法制的规范之外到末期成为著作权法 制的中心,作者在图书出版关系中,既是作为利益的起点,又是书商利益这一高点的主体面具,其权利主体地位的变化凸显了著作权法制化发展的人文主义特色,但 又因为作者身份的双重属性而使得后世著作权的权利类型化、制度体系化和模式趋同化的过程中充满了变数。
作者群体在英国的著作权法制化中其实并未起到决定性的作用,在18世纪的英国商人群体始终主导了法律发展的基本脉络,而借助书商在权利取得和保护策略 中的主角身份,作者进入了法律权利的主体视野。但是,《安妮女王法》的制定并未完全在书商们的意料之中,最为典型的细节就在对法令名称的变革上,立法者最 终将提交上议院讨论的草案名称中“确保所有者对于其书籍的财产权利”(securing property of copies of book to the rightful owners)的表述替换为“授予作者或受让者对于其印刷书的权利”(vesting the copies of printed books in the au-thors or purchasers of such copies)。其中securing和vesting的变化值得重视,前者的意味中明显是肯定了所有者的财产权利是先于法令的制定而存在的,法令对于这 一权利所作的只是予以认可或者说是对这一在先自然权利的法律化,而后者的采用显然表明立法者对于上述观点的置疑,后者的意味中更多地体现了法令中权利的授 予源于立法者的创设而非自然权利。此外,从标题表述中的主体变化也可以明显地察觉出内含的巨大差异,前者的书商草案试图用“所有者”这一内含广泛而且让人 更易联想到土地和动产所有者的普通法词汇来模糊法令的保护主体,并从这种模糊的主体界定中使得书商继续通过其市场能力牟取垄断利益,但同时又可以作者作为 利益的面具,并将广泛用于土地所有权的财产理论照搬过来为其权利取得提供理论解释。而后者的《安妮女王法》最终结果,则明确将作者和受让人写入了标题,明 确了法令的名义主体,而且将作者作为权利来源的起点,使得作者通过法令的授予成为在理论上可以限制书商垄断的主体力量。
同时,《安妮女王法》标题将原来草案中明确限定的财产权利替换为未加明确的所谓作者权利,也进一步模糊了书商权利和书商垄断的具体内容。在形式上仍然 体现出权利来自法令对其的创设,其内容当然受到法令的限制和条件的约束。简而言之,《安妮女王法》以引入作者主体但模糊作者权利性质的手法,尽可能地控制 书商通过前置的作者角色重新掌握对图书出版的垄断,作者主体的引入成为《安妮女王法》表达的标志,也为《安妮女王法》之后的司法判例和后续立法中继续限制 和控制书商权利提供了主体接入。
随后,对于《安妮女王法》产生了结构性影响的米勒案和唐纳森案重塑了《安妮女王法》的权利主体表述,将《安妮女王法》中模糊的作者权利性质作出了厘 清。正如帕特森教授所说,1710年的《安妮女王法》就内涵而言还是一部以书商为主角的印刷出版控制规则,而到了1774年就《安妮女王法》的适用而言, 作者成为了法令的主角。而《安妮女王法》中以印刷出版控制为原型的印刷权利体系,完全由事后的诸多司法判决而改变,{48}成为以作者权利为核心的著作权 体系。《安妮女王法》尽管将版权赋予作者,但内容过于含混不清,概念逻辑亦不清晰。在书商之战的争论过程中,许多作为著作权法制的基础概念和理论都得到了 讨论,可以说正是这些最初的论述为之后几百年内著作权法的发展设定了其话语表达的基本语境。概括而言,这个基本的语境体现在作者中心主义的权利主体表达。
作者这种主体性表达从此成为著作权法的核心概念。虽然,作者并未真正成为书商缠诉案件的直接当事人,但是作者的权利问题却始终构成了案件的争论焦点。 尽管书商并非真正在意作者权益,但是在图书出版业的基本运作环境中,作者利益的保障在某种程度上与书商对图书出版的垄断能力紧密相联。作为原告的伦敦书商 为了维护其既有利益,极力主张作者权利的扩大和著作权保护期限的永久性;同样作为书商的苏格兰被告们为了自身的利益,则又极力主张作者并不享有绝对的、永 久的著作权,并以维护公共利益免受垄断的侵扰为理由,主张维持制定法为作者权利所设定的期限。由此一来,纯粹的商人目的和根本性的经济利益都掩藏在作者权 利和公共利益这种虚化的主体表达之下,在案件的判决中隐而不现。当然,并不能说法官为商人所愚弄而不明其中的利害关系,但是法官囿于法律的程序只能就两造 双方的主张和争点进行论述和回应,于是在判决中只能看到双方的表达。并由此形成著作权法律和研究中甚少再谈论涉及商人和商人利益的传统,往往在法律的表达 中只讲求作者权利和公共利益的平衡。但事实上,尽管著作权法的表达围绕作者展开,但是时至今日书商利益仍然是著作权法保护的最大受益者。
此外,由于作者主体的法律表达使得自罗马法时代就存在将作品视作作者财产(literaryproperty)的财产所有观念得以引入著作权法律体系 中,并为日后著作权的权利类型化中的财产权利路径提供了正当性的解释。在米勒案和唐纳森案的审理过程中,争论双方和司法者都借由作者主体身份的认可并基于 当时主流的洛克劳动价值理论来寻找著作权的财产权利形态保护的正当性基础。尽管洛克在阐述这一理论时可能并没有试图涉及所谓的“无形财产权”,但是司法者 在将这一理论应用于著作权时将其视为理所当然的推理过程。正是基于劳动价值理论的支撑,作者主体身份更进一步在著作权法律体系中确立下来,并成为解释著作 权法合理性和正当性的重要主体依据。同时,财产权利理论对于作者主体表达的依赖,作者成为关乎著作权保护的核心要素,而著作权权利类型的进一步分化,也从 作者主体地位的确立作为主体视角。著作权的作者主体表达,赋予了本来作为规制贸易、限制竞争的版权制度更多的道德意义,并且将其作为人文主义法律思潮影响 的直接体现赋予了后世著作权法更为明显的人文主义色彩。 【参考文献】
{1}See Mark Rose, “Authors and Owners: The Invention of Copyright”,Cambridge: Harvard Uni-versity Press Harvard, 1993,pp. 31-32.
{2}[美]Lyman Ray Patterson,“Copyright In Historical Perspective”,Nashville: Vanderbilt Uni-versity Press, 1968,pp.147-148.
{3}Ronan Deazley, “Rethinking Copyright: history, theory, language”,Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,2006,p.14.
{4}Arthur Simons Collins, “Authorship in the Days of Johnson: Being a Study of the RelationBetween Author, Patron, Publisher and Public, 1726-1780”,London:R.Holden&Co.Ltd.,1927,pp.70-73.
{5}Arthur Simons Collins, “Authorship in the Days of Johnson:Being a Study of the RelationBetween Author, Patron, Publisher and Public, 1726-1780”,London:R.Holden&Co.Ltd.,1927,p.77.
{6}Arthur Simons Collins,“Authorship in the Days of Johnson: Being a Study of the RelationBetween Author, Patron, Publisher and Public, 1726-1780”,London: R.Holden&Co.Ltd.,1927,p.67.
{7}Benjamin Kaplan, “An Unhurried View of Copyright”,New York: Columbia University Press,1967,p.7; aslo,Howard Abrams, “The Historical Foundation of American Copyright Law: Explodingthe Myth of Common Law Copyright”,Wayne Law Review (Spring 1983): 1139.
{8}限于论述篇幅,具体案情可参见Stephen Parks (ed), “The Literary Property Debate: Seven Tracts1747-1773”,London: Garland Pub, 1974.
{10} Ronan Deazley, “Rethinking Copyright: history, theory, language”,Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,2006, p.14.
{11}Paul Goldstein, “Copyright’s highway: from Gutenberg to the celestial jukebox”,Stanford:Stanford Law and Politics, 2003 Rev.ed, pp.70-71.
{12} Ronan Deazley, “Rethinking Copyright: history, theory, language”,Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2006, p.14.
{13}参见Webb v. Rose, 1 Black. W. 330-331, 96 Eng. Rep. 184 (1732).该案中,布莱克斯通法官(Justice Blackstone)明确指出,人们对于其创作享有原始的和自然的权利(original and natural right)。其他采相同原则的案例还有Pope v. Curl, 2 Atk. 342, 26 Eng. Rep. 608 (1741), Duke of Queenberry v.Shebbeare, 2Eden. 329,28 Eng. Rep. 924 (1758)。
{14}按照Lessig在其著作Free Culture中的描述,此人全名为雅各布·汤森(Jacob Tonson),是当时一个被称为康吉的出版业集团的首领。康吉集团在整个18世纪都控制着英格兰的书商。《堂吉诃德》的第一部英文翻译本,就由其出版。 参见Lawrence Lessig, “Free Culture: how big media uses technology and the law to lockdown culture and control creativity”,New York: Penguin Press, 2004, “CHAPTER SIX:FOUNDERS”。劳伦斯·莱斯格著:《自由文化:主流媒体如何通过技术于法律实现文化限制于创作控制》,纽约:企鹅出版社2004年版,第6 章奠基者。
{15} Millar v. Taylor, 4 Burr. 2303,98 Eng. Rep. 201 (1769).
{16} 4 Burr. 2303,2311,98 Eng. Rep. 201,206.
{17} 4 Burr. 2303, 2338、 2345, 98 Eng. Rep. 201,220, 224.
{18} 4 Burr. 2303,2386;98 Eng. Rep. 201,245,246.
{19} 4 Burr.2303,2386-2387; 98 Eng.Rep. 201,246.
{20}也有学者认为他只是挑衅性地印刷出版了1本,这可能是一种数据的误读。参见[美]Paul Goldstein,“Copyright's highway: from Gutenberg to the celestial jukebox”, Stanford;Stanford Law and Politics,2003 Rev.ed, p.80.
{21}Paul Goldstein, “Copyright’s highway: from Gutenberg to the celestial jukebox”,Stanford:Stanford Law and Politics, 2003 Rev.ed, P.80.
{22}参考《元照英美法词典》的翻译,见《元照英美法词典》Lord Chancellor词条。
{23} Lord Chancellor是英国现存最古老的职位,可能也是最复杂的职位:在21世纪以前,Lord Chancellor既是最高法院(Supreme Court of Judicature)的院长,也是贵族院(上议院)的议长,另外还兼任内阁的法务大臣(因而也是执政党的要员,须与政府共同进退)。它一身兼具了立法、 司法、行政三种权力。对于该词的详细理解请参见冯健鹏:“Lord Chancellor与英国宪政”,http: //www.chinalegaltheory.com/homepp./Article_Show. asp? ArticleID=1176, 2008年2月 25日访问。
{24}此人被公认为于1763年在Huckle v. Money一案中的判决创造性地确立了惩罚性赔偿。参见王利明:“惩罚性赔偿研究”,载于《中国社会科学》2000年第4期。
{25}原文如下:“1.Whether, at common law, an author of any book or literary composition, had thesole right of first printing and publishing the same for sale, and might bring an action against anyperson who printed, published, and sold the same, without his consent? 2 .If the author had suchright originally, did the law take it away upon his printing and publishing such book or literarycomposition,and might any person afterward reprint and sell, for his own benefit, such book orliterary composition, against the will of the author? 3 .If such action would have lain at common law,is it taken away by the Statute of 8th Anne: and is an author, by the said statute, precluded fromevery remedy except on the foundation of the said statute, and on the terms and conditions prescribedthereby? 4 .Whether the author of any literary composition, and his assigns, had the sole right ofprinting and publishing the same, in perpetuity, by the common law? 5 . Whether this right is anyway impeached, restrained, or taken away, by the Statute 8th Anne? ”,摘录自[英]Ronan Deazley,“Rethinking Copyright: history, theory, language”,Cheltenham:Edward Elgar, 2006, p.16.
{26} Lyman Ray Patterson,“Copyright In Historical Perspective”,Nashville: Vanderbilt UniversityPress, 1968,p.176.
{27} Paul Goldstein,“Copyright’s highway :from Gutenberg to the celestial jukebox”,Stanford:Stanford Law and Politics, 2003 Rev.ed, p.81.
{28}也曾经有美国学者认为结果是8比3,参见Lyman Ray Patterson, “The nature of copyright:a law ofusers' rights”,Athens:University of Georgia Press, 1991,第3章。
{29}根据英国学者的研究,现在对于上议院法官投票结果记录的信息主要有六种文献来源,其中两种来自于对唐纳森案的传统法律报告:4 Burr 2408, and 2 Bro PC 129;另外两种可以从上议院简报(Journal of the House ofLords)(1774) vol. 34, 12-32中找到,同时也可以在科贝特(Cobbett)编著的44卷本的英国议会史找到同样的投票结果“Parliamentary History from the Norman Conquest, in 1066, to the year 1803” (44 volumes),London: Hansard,第17卷,pp.953-1003;最后在该案审理时期印刷出版的两种文册:“The Pleadings of theCounsel before the House of Lords in the great Cause concerning Literary Property”(1774) (Pleadings(1774))和“Notes and Observations and References by a Gentleman of the Inner Temple”中找到该结果的记载,上述的文册均可以从[英]Stephen Parks (ed), “The Literary Property Debate: Seven Tracts 1747-1773”, London: Garland Pub, 1974一书中找到。
{30} Ronan Deazley, “Rethinking Copyright: history,theory,language”,Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2006,p.17.
{31}具体资料参见Cobbett, Parliamentary History from the Norman Conquest, in 1066, to the year1803 (44 volumes), London: Hansard, Vol.17, p.975.
{32} Lyman Ray Patterson, “The nature of copyright:a law of users' rights”,Athens:Universityof Georgia Press, 1991,第3章。
{33}情况如下,“Perrott and Adams BB are often represented as having expressed that opinion thatthere existed a ‘qualified common law copyright’;this however is not the case.What they didrecognise was that an author had certain rights over his physical manuscript which incorporated theright to decide whether to publish the manuscript or not; in Perrott B's words:‘An author certainlyhad a right to his manuscript:he might line his trunk with it, or he might print it. After publicationany man might do the same…if a manuscript was surreptitiously obtained, an action at common lawwould certainly lie for the corporeal part of it, the paper. So if a friend to whom it is lent, or aperson who finds it, multiplies copies, having surrendered the original manuscript, he hath surrenderedall that the author has any common law right to claim'”。参见[英]Cobbett, Parliamentary Historyfrom the Norman Conquest, in 1066, to the year 1803 (44 volumes), London: Hansard, Vol.17,PP.981-982;此外,“As for Lord DeGrey, he acknowledged that ‘[w] ith respect to the first question,there can be no doubt that an author has the sole right to dispose of his manuscript as he thinksproper; it is his property, and till he parts with it, he can maintain an action of trover, trespass, orupon the case of any man who shall convert that property to his own use',but continued that ‘theright now claimed at the bar, is not a title to the manuscript, but to something after the owner hasparted with, or published his manuscript;to some interest in right of authorship, to more than thematerials or manuscript on which his thoughts are displayed, which is termed Literary Property…which right is the subject of the second question proposed to us.’”,同上书,p.988.; “That is, inanswering this first question DeGrey CJ was not addressing the issue as to whether or not copyrightexists at common law, but was simply asserting that everyone has certain rights which flow from thefact of ownership of the physical manuscript; not a case of a common law copyright, but rathercommon law rights over your copy. Lord DeGrey, like Perrott, Adams BB,and Eyre J, comprehen-sively rejected any idea of copyright at common law”.
{34} 4 Burr. 2408-2409, 98 Eng. Rep. 257-258.有关评论,亦可参见Augustine Birrell, “Seven Lec-tures on The Law and History of Copyright in Books”,London: Cassell and Company, Limited, 1899,pp.124-128.
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