来源:知识产权学术与实务研究网 作者:张韬略 单晓光 时间:2012-03-25 阅读数:
【注释】[1]当然这种自由并非绝对的,例如我国《专利法》(2009年修订)第48条第1款第1项再次规定了对发明和实用新型专利的不实施或者不充分实施的强制许可;又如美国专利法虽然没有直接规定强制许可,但专利强制许可实际存在于政府使用(28U. S. C. A. § 1498 (a))、某些特别单行法(如原子能法、空气清洁法)、反垄断审查(尤其企业合并)以及司法判例之中,参见拙文:《美国专利强制制度初探》,http://web.tong j i. edu. cn/ipi/communion/ztlll.htm,最后访问时间2011-1-28。
[2]U.S. DEP’ T of JUSTICE&FED. TRADE COMM’ N,Antitrust Enforcement And Intellectual Property Rights: Promoting Innovation And Competition, Chapter 1, (2007).
[3]Prince v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318 (2010).
[4]这四份裁判书分别是Philips Co. v. ITC and Princo, 424 F.3d 1179 (2005)、Princo v. ITC and Philips, 563 F.3d 1301 (2009)、Princo v. ITC and Philips, 583 F.3d 1380 (2009)和Princo v. ITC and Philips 616 F.3d 1318 (2010)。
[5]Philips Co. v. ITC and Princo, 424 F.3d 1179, at 1182 (2005).
[6]这四项专利分别是美国专利第5,001,692号(Farla),第5, 740, 149号(Iwasaki),第34, 719号(Yamamoto)以及第5,060,219号(Lokhoff),见Philips Co. v. ITC and Princo, 424 F.3d 1179, at 1183 (2005)。
[7]Philips Co. v. ITC and Princo, 424 F.3d 1179, at 1184 (2005).
[8]Philips Co. v. ITC and Princo, 424 F.3d 1179, at 1193 (2005).
[9]Philips Co. v. ITC and Princo, 424 F.3d 1179, at 1189-1190 (2005).
[10]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 563 F.3d 1301, at 1302 (2009).
[11]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F, 3d 1318, at 1322 (2010).
[12]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 563 F.3d 1301, at 1302 (2009);Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1325 (2010).
[13]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 583 F.3d 1380, at 1380-1381(2009).
[14]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F. 3d 1318, at 1325 (2010).
[15]Kenneth R. Adamo, et. al.,Antitrust Alert: Federal Circuit Decision Limits Patent Misuse and Distinguishes It From Antitrust,http://www.jonesday.com/antitrust-alert-federal-circuit-decision-limits-patent-misuse-and-distinguishes-it-from-antitrust-09-10-2010/,最后访问时间2011-1-28。
[16]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F. 3d 1318, at 1337-1338 (2010).
[17]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1334 (2010).
[18]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1337 (2010).
[19]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1331 (2010).
[20]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1328 (2010).
[21]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1331 (2010).
[22]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1331-1332 (2010).
[23]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1333 (2010).
[24]Princo v.ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1334 (2010).
[25]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 563 F.3d 1301, at 1313 (2009).
[26]Philips Co. v. ITC and Princo, 424 F.3d 1179, at 1187 (2005).
[27]Philips Co. v. ITC and Princo,424 F.3d 1179,at 1189-1190 (2005).
[28]Philips Co. v. ITC and Princo,424 F.3d 1179, at 1189 (2005).
[29]对该段司法历史的简练概况,参见Daniel P. Homiller, Patent Misuse in Patent Pool Licensing: From National Harrow To “The Nine No-Nos” To Not Likely, “I. the History of Patent Misuse”,Duke Law&Technology Review, No.7, (2006)。
[30]Donald S. Chisum, Chisum on Patent,§19. 04 (2005).
[31]Donald S. Chisum, Chisum on Patent, § 19.04 [2] (2005).
[32]Harmon, Antitrust and Misuse Implications of the Defined Field License, 45 J. Pat. Off. Soc’ y 463, 469 (1963).
[33]Juris Kins, Dissipation of Patent Misuse, 45 J. Pat. Off. Soc’ y 790 (1969).
[34]Note, Is the Patent Misuse Doctrine Obsolete?, 110 110 Harv. L. Rev. 1927 (1997).
[35]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1333 (2010).
[36]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1333 (2010).
[37]Princo v. ITC and Philips, 616 F.3d 1318, at 1335 (2010).
[38]Morton Salt Co. v. G. S. Suppiger Co.,314 U.S. 488, at 493 (1942).
[39]Windsurfing Int’ 1, Inc. v. AMF, Inc.,782 F.2d 995, at 1001 (Fed. Cir. 1986).
[40]35 U. S. C. 271(d) (5).
[41]William J. Nicoson, Misuse of the Misuse Doctrine in Infringement Suits, 9 UCLA L. Rev. 76, at 92 (1962).
[42]USM Corp. v. SPS Technologies, Inc.,694 F.2d 505, at 510-12 (1982).
[43]Mark A. Lemley, Comment, The Economic Irrationality of the Patent Misuse Doctrine, 78 Cal. L. Rev. 1599, a.
[44]Kenneth R. Adamo, et. al.,Antitrust Alert: Federal Circuit Decision Limits Patent Misuse and Distinguishes It From Antitrust,http://www.jonesday.com/antitrust-alert-federal-circuit-decision-limits-patent-misuse-and-distinguishes-it-from-ntitrust-09-10-2010/.
[45]“绝大多数的非排他交叉许可协议和专利池协议,通常不会引起竞争方面的问题。当知识产权许可允许厂商聚合制造所需要的补充要素时,这类许可是促进竞争的。除非它们成为合谋定价或者限制产量、分割市场的工具,否则应按照合理原则进行分析,不应适用本质违法规则”,见U.S.DEP’ T of JUSTICE&FED. TRADE COMM’ N, Antitrust Enforcement And Intellectual Property Rights: Promoting Innovation And Competition, p62,(2007)。
[46]就飞利浦光盘案判决构成专利权滥用可能给许可谈判带来的负面影响,参考Cynthia Lopez Beverage, Can a Company Refuse to License a Pooled Patent Outside of the Pool?,http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=dcdbe348-447b-4699-8b6e-77cdO2fea0lb,最后访问时间2011-1-29。
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