来源:知识产权学术与实务研究网 作者:朱雪忠 柳福东 时间:2009-07-21 阅读数:
Abstract: In European Union, trademark legal system exists both in its Member States and transnational known as Community Trademark Regulation. Besides, a system for harmonizing these two kinds of trademark legal systems has also been established in EU. The key content of the harmonizing system includes three aspects:(1)system of priority of registration. The right owner of a valid trademark in one Member State, or it is a Community trademark as well, shall enjoy a priority of registering the trademark as Community trademark on the same goods or services, or a priority of registering as domestic trademark in other Member States; (2) conversion of application system. The applicant or right owner shall convert an application or a trademark into domestic trademark application on condition that the former application fail or the trademark is invalid; (3) litigation jurisdiction and law application system only Community trademark has. This multiple trademark legal system and its harmonizing system in EU shall be used for reference while harmonizing the same problem exists among the Mainland, HongKong, Macao and Taiwan, the four Scope of law under the system of "one country, two system".
- 个人简介:(学术)
- 中国政法大学教授、博士生导师
- 知识产权法研究所所长、无形资产管理研究中心主任
- 北京大学法学博士
- 中国人民大学法学博士后
- 邮箱:fengxiaoqingipr@sina.com
- 北京市海淀区西土城路25号中国政法大学知识产权法研究所
- 个人简介:(实务)
- 最高法院案例指导工作专家委员会委员
- 最高法院知识产权司法保护研究中心首届研究员
- 中欧仲裁中心仲裁员
- 深圳、南京仲裁委员会仲裁员
- 北京天驰君泰律师事务所律师
- 中国律协知识产权专业委员会委员
- 中国审判研究会知识产权审判理论专业委员会委员
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