来源:知识产权学术与实务研究网 作者: 时间:2013-06-15 阅读数:
[⑧] 上海市第二中级人民法院(2001)沪二中知初字第132号民事判决书。
[⑨] 周长玲:“浅析实用艺术品的法律保护”,载《当代法学》2000年第4期。
[⑩] 卢海君:《版权客体论》,知识产权出版权2011年版,第374页。
[⑪] 转引自周长玲:“浅析实用艺术品的法律保护”,载《当代法学》2000年第4期。
On the Legal Protection of Practical Works of Art and Its System Upgrading in China
WANG Yan-qiu
(College of Civil, Commercial and Economic Laws, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing100088, China)
Abstract: There are two elements in practical works of art: utility and artistry. However, it is hard to distinguish the two elements clearly, especially in judicial circles. Practical works of art is different from the works of art, so the standard of works of art cannot be applied to it. America’s “separability analysis” offers an example for China. In the third revision of Copyright Law, it is positive to abstract the Practical works of art from the works of art. Meanwhile, it is necessary to improve the legal protection of Practical works of art.
Key words: Practical works of art, Copyright Law, juridical practice
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