来源:知识产权学术与实务研究网 作者:彭学龙 时间:2009-12-27 阅读数:
〔23〕4 Thomas McCarthy,McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition§23:92(4thed.2006).
〔25〕Barton Beebe,An Empirical Study of the Multifactor Tests for Trademark Infringement,94Calif.L.Rev.1581.
〔27〕Richard L. Kirkpatrick,Likelihood of ConfusionIssues,40 Am.U.L.Rev.1221.
〔28〕Wynn Oil Co.v.Thomas,
〔29〕Dan Simon,A Third View of the Black Box:Cognitive Coherencein Legal Decision Making,71U.Chi.L.Rev.511(2004).
〔30〕Henry P. Monaghan,Constitutional Fact Review,85 Colum L Rev229,235(1985).
〔31〕Giant Food,Inc.v.Nation’s Food service,Inc.,
〔34〕Inwood Laboratories,Inc.v.Ives Laboratories,Inc.,456U.S.844-59,214U.S.P.Q.at1,6,7(1982).
〔35〕Jane C. Ginsburg et al.,Trademark and Unfair Competition Law (3d ed. 2001).
〔36〕Jacqueline Pasquarella,Confusion Over the Likelihood of Confusion?38 Vill. L. Rev.1317(1993).
〔37〕Patricia J. Kaeding,Clearly Erroneous Review of Mixed Questions of Lawand Fact,59U. Chi. L. Rev.1291(1992).
〔38〕Miller v Fenton,474 US 104,113-14(1985).
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